Heatless Dessicant Air Dryer

Heatless Dessicant Air Dryer
A majority of the Industrial Compressed Air Systems and different other applications of gas and/or air dryers involve the use of Heatless Compressed Air and/or Gas Dryer systems. High Pressure Gas and Air Drying Systems also involve the use of these compressed air and gas dryers in many of their applications. Trident Pneumatics excels in Heatless desiccant air dryer manufacturing
How it functions?
The simplest form of a desiccant kind of Gas or Regenerative heatless desiccant dryer is the heatless compressed one. It can achieve a dewpoint of -40°C for the compressed air systems as well as the other applications of gas and/or air dryers. After passing through the pre-filter, the wet incoming compressed air passes thorugh the assembly of the slide piston. Next, this air is directed towards the first chamber wherein it travels upwards through the desiccant bed consisting of activated alumina or molecular sieves. This causes it to dry up due to the adsorption effect of the bed. The dry compressed air coming out of the first chamber now travels through the assembly of check valves hence paving its way through the alter-filter and thereby to the area of application or work. The desiccant in the second chamber that had been wetted in the previous cycle regenerates simultaneously as the compressed air dries in the first chamber. The purge valve depressurizes the second chamber down to the atmospheric pressure in the downward direction. Meanwhile, a portion of the dry compressed air flushes the desorbed moisture out by passing through the needle valve or orifice plate through the desiccant. The purge valve closes and the tower slowly re-pressurizes to line pressure ensuring a smooth changeover as the regeneration completes. An effective dewpoint of -40°C or even better is obtained at atmospheric pressure with an additional period of 5 minutes for drying. An approximate of 60 seconds is all the re-pressurization takes in the regeneration process. This is the principle involved in desiccant air dryer manufacturers.
Roles of desiccant dryer manufacturers:
They save energy besides economising purge by reducing the loss of purge to a minimum of 50%.
They have controllers with lucid functional displays that are programmable.
They secure undisturbed operation despite tower changeovers.
The moisture load is lessened by the auto drain valves in pre and oil filters. Therefore the desiccant life is secured without any extra cost.
The inclusion of a unique purge economizer in the latest microprocessor based controller which facilitates manual setting up of the dryer load. This device can not only accept upto 3 compressor load/unload contacts but also compute the dryer load dynamically. According to these settings done, the purge can be set. Also, the purge air can be controlled according to the pressure input accepted by the controller.
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